Mattoni's Cooking Blog

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March 23, 2006

Toni's Tip #5 - Draining Tofu

It's hard to keep from tearing apart that asceptic carboard cube and devouring all the soybeany goodness tofu has to offer...but you must be patient my child. Before you chop up your tofu and throw it in a pan, you are going to want to drain it first. This not only makes the tofu easier to work with, but once drained, tofu will soak up the flavor of the ingredients you cook it with. You win both ways!

To drain tofu, you need:
some paper towel
a container large enough to hold the tofu
a weight to press the tofu down

and of course, a block of tofu.

Cover the bottom of the container with a few laters of paper towel and place the tofu on top.

Now cover the tofu with more paper towel, and put your weight on top of that. I'm using a little statue my uncle sent me from Africa. You can use a book if there are no African statues handy.


  • At April 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks! I'm definitely new at cooking with tofu and have been trying to figure out (albeit not trying terribly hard) how to drain it for a while.

  • At April 03, 2006, Blogger jess (of Get Sconed!) said…

    Oo Mori Nu draining tips! Even more impressive than firm tofu..very impressive~

  • At January 23, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have been using the TofuXpress.
    The greatest kithen tool for draining tofu. All of the water come out and then my tofu aborbs flavors wonderfully. Check it out

  • At January 23, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Try the TofuXpress for drainging tofu. The best kitchen tool toget the water out.


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